Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What In The Heck Are You Waiting For?

Everyone keeps asking "Why can't you bring your son home if you have already had court?".

After court there is a 10-day appeal period before the final court decree can be issued. Good news yesterday was the end of our wait period and our facilitator has picked up our final court decree. It is official we are Garrett's parents!!!!!

Then we still have to get the following:
- A new birth certificate issued listing us as the parents (we got this yesterday also :-)
- An adoption certificate (got this too:-)
- A change to his taxid# (aka SSN) to list his new name (we have applied for this and it should be ready by early next week)
- A new passport issued in his new name
- A visa from the US Embassy to allow him to travel to his new home

Then we will be home!!! I hope to leave Friday to go and pick our little man up.


Courtney said...

Woohoo! I've been wondering when you were heading back. I think A's anxious to have your attention on someone else. ;) Can you call me tonight after 7pm? I have a couple of questions for you. If I remember, I'll call you, but there's about a 95% chance I'll forget. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

So close now, I am so happy for your blessings. This morning I watched a "Siberian Adoption Story" and thought of you every minute. The outcome was good. A six month old girl was adopted. The American consulate said to the parents the minute her tiny feet touch the ground she is an American. The new mom took this literally and touched the babies feet to the ground in JFK airport. Very cute. I pray you all good things.Rosie

Tami said...

YEA! Congratulations!!!

ArtworkByRuth said...

YEAH! Godspeed!