Thursday, September 18, 2008

False Alarm

I will not be leaving tomorrow as we had hoped. Long story short..... we did not get the whole story. And we are not being told a new story, so I have nothing more that I can share about my return trip to bring our son home. Please pray for those that can make a difference in this situation that they will be compassionate to our son. Please pray for patience for us and a peaceful resolution to a tense situation.


Tami said...

Praying. Hard.

Anonymous said...

We have been praying and continue to pray...
Laurie, Dale and Sam

Courtney said...

Agh!! What happened?? I just talked to you last night!!

Anonymous said...

Love you so much!Prayers of course. Rosie

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...I'm so sorry. I hope this revolves itself really fast. Hang in there, can do it if anyone can. Everything will work in your favor in due time. :-)

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

We are praying so, so hard! We love you!
Carol & Wes